So you want to have a Home Chakra Party and influence all your friends!! COOL!
What I need from you:
Readings are 30 to 35 minutes
I will provide a Palm Reading, Aura and Chakras scans, and a Medical Holistic Physical.
Energy Healings may also come through.
I will answer questions until our time is up.
I will arrive 15 minutes early for time to do my own clearing.
A FREE READING. (not included in the minimum 6 guests)
For you to provide:
Responsible for establishing a schedule for your friends
to arrive every 45 minutes.
Friends should arrive at least 5 minutes early so they are not rushed. This is a relaxing time.
a minimum 6 friends. You can go up to 10.
If you commit to 6, you are responisble for the entire fee collection, minuminm $270.00.
If committing 8 then your fee is $360.00.
Anyone that misses, you pay - non refundable.
Have refreshments like water or tea or
coffee or juice.
No alcoholic beverages (need to be focused) until after their reading.
Maybe a snack to share. Crackers, cheese, fruits.
quiet place for your guest and myself to be in Spirit.
A room with a small table and two chairs works well.
For individuals that would like a full session of 1.0 hour at a home party, READING FEES ARE
$85.00 FOR 60 MINUTES. Please let your Hostess know in advance.
Sessions at my santuary are typically 1.5 to 2 hours. They can
last longer. For your budgeting, I have capped the price to be $140.00. (Saves you $30.00) Cash and PayPal accepted.
Home Parties
Disclaimer: I do not offer diagnosis of issues you may be carrying and will suggest that you see your physician for any irregular conditions. I provide information for entertainment purposes only.